Consiliul Unirii

Unirea Face Puterea

DECLARAŢIA CONSILIULUI UNIRII, adresată Guvernelor Europene şi Comunităţii internaţionale

Pe data de 29 februarie 2012 a avut loc la Chisinau sedinta de constituire a Consiliului Unirii – o miscare populara a romanilor din intreaga lume, avand ca scop reafirmarea si refacerea integritatii statului si poporului roman intre aceleasi granite.

Consiliul Unirii isi propune sa readuca in memoria comunitatii internationale, tragedia poporului roman, obligat sa traiasca separat ca urmare a Pactului Ribbentrop-Molotov, condamnat de intreaga lume, inclusiv de Guvernul Rusiei.

Astazi, la 72 de ani de la ocuparea partii de Est a Romaniei, prin invazia sovietica din 1940, consideram ca romanii au platit si au suferit mult prea mult, fiind supusi genocidului provocat de trupele invadatoare, in urma caruia au pierit peste 1 milion de romani, si a unei politici de schimbare programata a structurii populatiei – actiuni care pot fi calificate drept crime impotriva umanitatii.

Romanii se gasesc si astazi in situatia in care s-a aflat poporul german, nevoit sa traiasca separat prin niste granite artificiale.

Consiliul Unirii doreste vindecarea ranilor lasate de ocuparea teritoriului dintre Prut si Nistru, dar considera ca poporul roman are dreptul sa revina intre granitele aceleiasi tari, granite care astazi nu mai corespond nici realitatilor istorice, ce decurg din destramarea URSS, nici intereselor comunitatii internationale.

La granita de Est a Europei, Republica Moldova, lipsita de orice fel de resurse, cu o populatie debusolata, cu ramasitele unei armate de ocupatie pe o parte a teritoriului sau, nu este capabila sa-si stabilizeze situatia interna, nu-i capabila sa-si asigure si sa-si restabileasca integritatea teritoriala, iar, din punct de vedere economic, a devenit una dintre cele mai sarace tari de pe continent.

De aceea, Consiliul Unirii face apel la guvernele dumneavoastra sa sprijine procesul de unificare al poporului roman, sa inteleaga faptul ca numai o Romanie reunificata poate asigura lichidarea unuia dintre focarele de instabilitate regionala si poate asigura dezvoltarea economica omogena a regiunii de Est a Europei, in acelasi mod in care intregirea Germaniei a condus la crearea unui adevarat motor economic in Europa Centrala.

Consiliul Unirii

2 Martie 2011

Addressed to European Union Governments and to the International Community

February 29, 2012 – Chisinau. A founding meeting was held to establish the Romanian Union Council – a popular movement of Romanians from around the World, with a clear purpose to reaffirm and restore the territorial integrity of the Romanian People and Romanian State within a unique set of common borders.

The Romanian Union Council aims to resurface, in the collective memory of the International Community, the tragedy of the Romanian people forced to live in two separate countries as a consequence of the Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact – a pact which was eventually disavowed by all European Governments, including Russia’s Government.

72 years after the 1940 Soviet invasion and occupation of Eastern Romania, we strongly believe that Romanians have suffered and sacrificed for far too long. Throughout the early stages of this occupation, Romanians were subject to mass deportations and policies aimed at changing the ethnic make-up of this area’s population, genocide that ultimately led to the death of over one million Romanians – actions that should be considered “crimes against humanity”.

Romanians today share the fate of the German people between 1949 and 1990, when they were forced to live in separate countries due to artificially-created borders.

Romanian Union Council seeks to heal wounds left behind by the occupation of Romanian territories between the Prut and the Dniester. We believe that the Romanian People have a legitimate right to live within the borders of one country. Today’s existing borders no longer align with historical and political realities since the collapse of the Soviet Union, nor do they align with the current strategic direction of international affairs in Eastern Europe.

At European Union’s eastern border, the Republic of Moldova is devoid of any natural resources. With a perpetually rudderless population and remaining occupying armies on its territory, Moldova is incapable of creating and sustaining internal stability and territorial integrity; economically, Moldova is one of the poorest countries on the European continent.

In conclusion, the Romanian Union Council calls on International Governments to support the union movement of the Romanian People and to support the reality that only a unified Romania can successfully address one of the last remaining areas of regional instability, while at the same time provide for homogeneous economic development in this part of Eastern Europe – in a way very similar to how unified Germany led to the birth of Central Europe’s economic engine.

Romanian Union Council
March 2, 2012

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